Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ohhh I completely forgot to mention that I got a tattoo! Last weekend. On my right leg, right above my ankle. It's in memory of Robert. A black cross with an old looking script curling around it, bearing his anitials. The shading is dark purple. I like it, but it hurt like hell to get, and I DEFINITELY don't think I'll be getting another anytime soon.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Not the best picture but it was still fun doing it. Lots of happy memories. *grins*

Me and Shon!

Some of my youngest cousins. The older one has Leukemia and he's still a sweetheart, and the younger one's his little brother. He was born on my birthday! Isn't dey cute?!

Nother picture! ;D

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I stole a picture of me and Jess and put it here. *cackles*

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sometimes I really HATE Glenn. Mom always says he talks good about us, and I've even heard him sometimes on the phone, there's pride in his voice when he's talking about us, but when he's talking TO us, it's like we're dirt. Scum. Something he would flick off his finger. I do NOT appreciate being talken down to constantly. I'm 19 years old and he yells at me like I'm 13. "I'm not trying to start an arguement, but when I say to get the dishes done I mean ALL of them, pans, glasses, EVERYTHING!"...Is that how 19 year olds get talken to? I mean seriously? And the only thing in the sink was a pan cuz it had food stuck all over it and I didn't feel like standing there for an hour scrubbing it raw. Everything I do, he disses it and whenever I talk back, it's always "Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out." He keeps talking to me like that and he'll get his wish. I'm sick of his shit. He was the worst child ever, drinking, staying out all night, PRISON, all of it, and if I don't do all the dishes, I'm the devil's child. *rolls eyes* And even a little while ago, this is what he said to me, quoted, "She's a fucking lazy little bitch.", muttered it actually, cuz he's a pansy bitch and I could probably kick his ass....What did I DO to deserve so much bad luck? I swear I must've been a serial killer in a past life or something.